Studying hard: was it worth it? – How university helped shaping my personality is a story about how my personality evolved during my time at university and how I actively try to improve on it. Apart from the fact that I want to share my experiences from this never-ending journey, I also hope that it will inspire any first grader or anyone who is doubting whether all his efforts will be worth it.

Looking back

Today I received a transcript with all my marks and degrees that I obtained at university.  When I took a look at them, I realized that they are really not that bad at all.

Then, I also realized that I really had to give the very best of myself to get that piece of paper filled with some nice numbers.

Nearing the end of my academic career as a student, I started to reflect on my choices and efforts from the past 5 years.

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You are not as unique as you think you are – and that’s ok!

xkcd pictures my line of thought perfectly with this cartoon. You just cannot read someone else’s mind.

When I have a problem or difficulty with something, I often (incorrectly) assume that I’m one of the few persons that has this problem. But after a number of experiences I realized that you and me are probably not so different after all. And that’s totally fine!

This means that when you have a problem, you are probably not the only one. “Of course!” you might say. “People have been saying that for years.”  While that’s completely true, I however only recently started to really experience this myself and want to share my thoughts with you.

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Invitation: Third BeClojure Meetup – 23 April 2014

It is time for another iteration of BeClojure!






Are you currently in Belgium? Are you interested in Clojure? Do you like a nice chat with a snack and a drink?


You are hereby kindly invited to the third official BeClojure meetup. This iteration will take place in Antwerpen and will be hosted by WebComrades.


April 23, 2014



Tolstraat 75, Antwerpen


Stijn Opheide from WebComrades will talk about the use of Datomic in one of their products.


For more details and enrollment please visit:

Repost from

A brief opinion on digital notes

During the first few days of the new year at university, some freshmen told me about their first course given by Professor Erik Duval (One of my former professors). Apparently professor Duval was completely amazed by the fact that there was not a single student with a laptop or tablet instead of plain old paper. I don’t think that was a coincidence. Laptops and tablets are just not quite fit (yet?) to really replace paper. However, I’ve had a surprisingly pleasing experience when studying on a tablet last year.

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The KU Leuven needs an API

I’ve been a student at the KU Leuven for almost three years now. My university delivers
various online services on our online “interactive” “learning” environment called Toledo.
These services include our daily schedule, exams, email, course documents, information, discussion groups. A lot of students (including this one) moan a lot about how Toledo is slow and user-unfriendly.  If Toledo is ever to be redesigned, I have some suggestions.

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First Belgian Clojure meetup debriefing

clojure-welcomeLast week (27th of march 2013) it was a big day for me and for the belgian clojure community  (or so I hope): The first ever clojure meetup in Belgium had taken place!

The event itself was a great success (if I’m allowed to say so) and I certainly had a lot of fun. A week later I thought it might be a good idea to look back.

So here is a short debriefing about how thing went.

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Belgium Clojure Meetup

iconThis semester I have a new exciting project to work on. With some people already working in the industry (Frederik De Bleser & Wim De Clercq) I’m making plans to organise a Clojure meetup.

What is Clojure?

In short,

Clojure is a fairly new programming language with a lot of interesting ideas. It is a “modern LISP” that runs on the JVM. It’s main focus is functional programming, but nevertheless it remains pragmatic and allows you to use imperative style where it is more natural to do so. Some of the more interesting concepts (though not necessarily unique to Clojure) are: Its concurrency idioms, multimethods, its definition and usage of state / value / identity,  Software Transactional Memory. Though these topic are quite significant, they’re just a small subset of what Clojure is all about.

It has a wonderful community and hence it would be even more wonderful for everyone to be able to meet each other in real life and sharing all their interesting and exciting Clojure related experiences.


A meetup is all about sharing experiences and ideas. Maybe having some sessions and just plain informal chatting.

The idea of a meetup is not new. There are plenty examples out there: Amsteram, London, Cambridge. But not Belgium. At least until now!


We are still in a brainstorming-phase meaning that everything is still possible (location, date, content) so ideas and advice are welcome at all time.

Extra information?

You can read about our intents on the mailing list. If you are interested please leave a comment.

You can keep up-to-date with the latest developments by following us on twitter @belgiumclj